Our world today has become more stressful on all levels. We are aware of this, we discuss it, and we attempt to avoid it but what exactly is stress? How does stress affect us? When we are stressed, what is actually happening within us and how is it impacting now and in the future? What are stress management techniques, how can we deal with stress management at work?
Stress is directly related to the fight, flight, or freeze instinct programmed into every human being. We all have manageable levels of daily stress and these we manage and we address without consciously realising that we are doing so. When our brain perceives or experiences stress, the vagus nerve is immediately activated and starts to control the part of our limbic system in our brain which is related to fight, flight, or freeze. The vagus nerve also controls how serious and or how stressful a situation is for us.
When the vagus nerve is activated, regardless of whether it is for a positive or negative reason, it puts us immediately into a state of uncertainty and high alert. The body perceives the threat and is then ready to respond with either fight, flight, or freeze. If your body stays in this state it will quickly become drained both physically and mentally, and over time the physiological and emotional side effects will become evident and expressed as anxiety, insomnia, high and low moods, depression, changes in appetite, blood pressure increase or decrease and heart palpitations to name but a few.
It’s crucial that we as individuals stay very connected to ourselves, and remain very self-aware so that we are able to observe the levels of stress that our body is experiencing. It is equally as import that we become aware of how to release and relieve stress so that it doesn’t take over or ruin our lives. The more we observe their inner and outer state of being the faster we are able to address and manage stress. A fast, easy, and effective method of controlling stress is breathing techniques and these can be done daily as a preventative measure, or when we notice that our stress levels have increased.
Once you learn how to control your breathing you can use a very easy process of relaxing the body and eliminating stress which will bring one into an almost immediate relaxed state of being. This can be done in 10 to 15 minutes in the morning or evening, or at any point during the day in any surroundings. Once you learn it, which does not take long, it can be done while you are doing daily chores or work tasks.
If you want to reset the body, mind, and nervous system to relieve it from the burden and the side effects of stress the most effective session to do this is a 1-hour private consultation called the Life Activation, or should we call it: the Stress Relief & Realignment session. This session cleans, re-aligns and re-stabilises all levels of the human being, and their fields. It also realigns the mental and emotional layers of one’s being resulting in quite a profound experience and a relaxed state is achieved, and can be maintained and sustained so that good physical health and strong mental and emotional well-being is your everyday state. With a little bit of effort and discipline it will be noticeable how much calmer and clear you mind can be. You will the feel that stress is a thing of the past and no longer influencing your daily life.
Why not start off by giving this very simple breathing process a test out? If you like it then please reach out and I can teach you other techniques that are also simple and very effective to help you relieve stress right away.
So here is a simple breathing and focusing technique that can be done anywhere, on the bus, whilst walking, in the shower, on a toilet break etc. But I do NOT recommend that you do it while driving, or operating machinery.
Breath in for the count of 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and then release the breath over 8 seconds. Repeat this process the number of times that is comfortable for you (If you need to reduce the number of seconds then reduce all sections by 1 second).
Be aware of thoughts distracting you, when you realise that they have distracted you then just bring your focus back to the counting.
If you lose count just begin again. You can start off with one cycle and when you become more familiar with the technique, you can do 2 or 3 or however many cycles you need to rebalance yourself.
In the beginning I recommend setting a timer for 2 minutes so you can focus on your counting. You can increase this, as it becomes more comfortable, to 5 minutes. Experiment and see how easy, or not, it is to be aware! Enjoy!!